Hoyer, Josef .

Josef Hoyer I blev født i 1874 som søn af guitarbygger Franz Hoyer IV (1850-??) , som samme år blev udlært og formentlig startede egen virksomhed, – i hvert fald er det dette år som ”Hoyer” angiver som året , hvor mærket blev grundlagt.. Josef Hoyer blev også kaldet ”Bienerpepi” og var zither –og guitarbygger. Han havde lært faget af Josef Siebenhüner ( Phillipsefferl ) og grundlagde ”Josef Hoyer” i 1894 som tyveårig. Han havde sit værksted i hus nr . 316 , Falkenauerstrasse, Schönbach .

Han var i øvrigt nabo til en anden betydningsfuld guitarbygger , Franz Hirsch, som boede i nr.315. Hirsch oplærte bl..a Anton Neubauer ( der også blev hans svigersøn ) , dennes bror August Neubauer, Wenzel Rossmeisl ( Roger ) og Gustav Glassl. Josef havde tre sønner Arnold, Rudolph og Roman, som også alle byggede guitarer, så man har nok snakket en del guitar over hækken.

Efter krigen blev Josef Hoyer, sammen med størstedelen af byens tyske befolkning, fordrevet i 1946, da Schönbach nu var blevet en del af Tjekkiet ( Luby a Chebu ).


Familien Hoyer kom til Tennenlohe , hvor Josef’s søn Arnold med stor succes startede mærket ”Arnold Hoyer” , som jo blev kendt som et af de absolut mest betydningsfulde mærker. Blandt hans ansatte i de tidlige dage efter krigen var bl.a “naboens drenge”,- Neubauer’ne og Glassl . I Tennenlohe fortsatte Josef med at bygge guitarer sammen med sønnen Rudolph. Josef Hoyer døde i 1959.


Josef Hoyer I was born in 1874 as son of guitarmaker Franz Hoyer IV ( born 1850 ), who got his ”gewerbeschein” in 1874 and probably then started his own business. In any case it’s the year that the “Hoyer” company say its founded.

Josef Hoyer was also called “Bienerpepi” and was a zither- and guitarmaker. He learnt the trade from Josef Siebenhüner (Phillipsefferl) and founded his company “ Josef Hoyer” in 1894 at age 20. He had his workshop in house no. 316, Falkenauerstrasse, Schönbach.

He was btw. neighbour to another important guitarmaker, Franz Hirsch , in no. 315. Hirsch learnt the trade to Wenzel Rossmeisl, Gustav Glassl, August Neubauer , Anton Neubauer ( who became his son in law and father of Helmut Neubauer , who then ofcourse also is Hirsch’s grandson). Josef had three sons Arnold , Rudolph and Roman, who were all guitarbuilders too, so I guess there were a lot of guitartalk over the hedge between 315 and 316.


After the war they were all forced to leave Schönbach along with most of the german population. Schönbach now was Czech and had changed name to Luby a Chebu .


The Hoyers came to Tennenlohe , where Arnold started under his own name with great success. Among the people he hired , in the early days after the war, was the guys from next door ,- the Neubauers and Glassl.  The Arnold Hoyer brand soon became one of the most important and well reputed brands. Josef continued to make guitars along with his son Rudolph. Josef Hoyer I died in 1959.