
Fasan er grundlagt af Franz Sandner, som var født i Schönbach i 1903. Han var udlært guitarbygger og havde stået i lære hos Jos. Pötzl den yngre. Han var sandsynligvis ikke i familie med Josef Sandner ( Isana ). I 1946 blev han, som de øvrige sudetertyskere fordrevet fra Egerland og slog sig ned i Nauheim bei Gross Gerau, hvor han grundlage sin virksomhed Fasan. Værkstedet eksisterer muligvis endnu med en produktion af strygeinstrumenter. Fasan eksporterede en del instrumenter til udlandet, bl. a. til Storbrittanien. For nyligt er der startet en lille produktion op med meget smukke guitarer lavet af dele fra det gamle lager.

More info here : http://www.schlaggitarren.de/home.php?text=hersteller&kenn=14

Fasan was founded by Franz Sandner, born in Schönbach in 1903. He was a educated as guitarmaker and learnt from Jos. Pötzl ( the Younger ). Probably not related to Josef Sandner  ( Isana ) or Alois Sandner ( Alosa ) , but he collaborated with Josef on some occasions..I dont know how often and how much and how…

In 1946 he was expelled from Egerland and settled in Nauheim by Gross Gerau , and settled his business Fasan. The workshop still exists and they have maybe still a production of bowed instruments. Fasan exported many guitars , especially to GB. Recently there  has started a small but very fine production from old stock parts, so the brand is still alive .

Some typical Fasan features:

F-hole :

fasan f

The rounded end of the heel is very typical for Fasan. This is a feature that was pretty common in Schönbach too, but not used much in germany :

fasan heel

other features :

if with dot fretmarkers they have double dots on fret 5 and 9

fretboard ends are rounded ( almost always )

fretboards often very radiused

often big square headplates

often relabeled ( GB ) as Antoria, Farringdon, and other labels from GB and elsewhere…